Tuesday, November 23, 2010

We need a sailor!

Gretchen has gotten into the spirit of giving this year.  She told me that we have to have all of the sailors over because they have nowhere to go and nothing to eat.  I told her I would consider it but that we already had quite a few people coming for Thanksgiving.  She agreed to give food to the food pantry.  This has been a theme lately that I think comes from church and the Character Counts program at school.  It's nice to know that some of those things are sinking into her brain!  On the flipside of that however, her wish list for Santa is pretty long (I let her circle whatever she wanted in the toy catalog).  I am impressed that she has stuck to the same top two items that she will request from Santa - I keep trying to tempt her with other stuff but she never sways....  I posted some new videos - see this one of her choir singing at church and  her on Halloween.

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