June has been a big month for Gretchen already and it's only the 6th day! She graduated from Kindergarten last week with her friends at LECC. I have posted many pictures of the big event. This past weekend was her big dance show. Even though she pouted and threw fits about how boring dance is (it's the same dance every week!!!), she looks fairly happy in the makeup and costumes. She told me quite firmly on the way home she needed a break from dance. To reward her hard work we let her be the first one to take the polar bear plunge in our unheated swimming pool. She didn't seem to mind at all so joke's on us! Tonight was her end of year scout ceremony. She is still a Daisy with her friend Phoebe but she was proud to wear her uniform and proceed to ask the scout leader during the actual bridging if they were the only two Daisies left in her troop (there are as of now). This weekend, at her request, she is starting karate. Should be interesting.......