With the boys still in the hospital, we have been careful with Gretchen. She isn't sure really what to think: mommy's not pregnant yet there are no brothers here.... She knows I visit them in the hospital; I usually get the cold shoulder from her when I she know that I was there ("no! I want Daddy" or "I don't want you Mama"). So hospital time on the weekends is minimal.
Every weekend we try to do something fun. A few weeks ago was the annual carnival/summer days for our town. We went to the parade and then to the carny rides. The week after that we went to the beach. Steve and I were not thinking! We didn't bring towels or swimsuits. I guess we thought she wouldn't want to go in the water. Boy were we wrong! She really liked it (see here for yourself!....
This past weekend Steve's friend brought over his son so they could play. This week we took her to Six Flags. We took her on smallest coaster they have and she really liked it. It scared me to death (I was worried she would fall out) but she was fine.
So our little girl is doing fine - she's getting a lot of attention but since it's the last summer she'll have as the only child, I think it's okay. She certainly is a free spirit. The other day we were leaving the library and Gretchen saw a bald woman wearing a bandanna on her head. Gretchen saw her and said at the top of her lungs: "Mommy, SHE'S A PIRATE!". I wanted to crawl under our car..... But once I got in the car and we pulled away, I could help but laugh a little... (hopefully the woman saw the humor in it as well.....)
Here are pictures from this summer.... (and pictures of the twins)