What a month February was! We started strong with the Bears going to the Super Bowl! And it was all downhill from there…. Gretchen is recovering from her third double ear infection of the year. Gretchen seems to have a high tolerance for pain since she seems in pretty good spirits most of the time. I have had to put a lot more hours in at work due to a CRM project so Steve and Gretchen have had a lot of bonding time together. I miss her terribly but she seems quite comfortable in her daddy’s arms. Daycare is going much better for Gretchen. She seems to be enjoying her time at KinderCare. However, we had two biting incidents where another child got into her personal space. While I was mortified Gretchen bit someone, there was a very, very small part of me that was happy she can defend herself. Finally we had a little sump pump failure and flood the rounded out the month with a hectic rush to dry out the basement. I can honestly say I am looking forward to March! New pictures are posted here.
We had Gretchen all trained to yell touch down and throw her hands up in the air but sadly the opportunites were few on Super Bowl Sunday.
It has been a whirlwind month for us. We started the New Year sick: I caught a cold while Steve and Gretchen suffered through the flu. Once they recovered from that, Gretchen caught my cold and it turned into a double ear infection and pinkeye. I ended up with bronchitis and a sinus infection…. Sigh.. Needless to say I didn’t a lot of pictures but I was inspired to start this web log! My goal is to at least update it monthly with pictures and maybe an anecdote here and there about the little one. I’m also playing with putting up videos through You Tube (scroll down and you can watch one from October 2006). Feel free to add posts though I think you have to give them your name and email first…. I hope everyone likes this format. We’re going to try it out for a while.
Anyway, Gretchen is a regular chatterbox though we often pine for a translator since we cannot decipher most of it. She is starting to run a little or at least “trot” especially when you need to put her coat on her! She has developed an Elmo/Sesame Street habit. She was already a fan but while she was sick I let her watch quite a bit of Elmo. Now I get a nightly request for Elmo as she points to the TV. It could be worse – she could be watching Power Puff girls!
Next month I’ll have some new pictures and a video.
In October I went to a conference in Arizona for three days. I was kind of sad to leave Steve and Gretchen behind. To cheer me up, Steve sent me a video of Gretchen every day. The one posted below is my favorite!